Case studies
Faith in Water has grown out of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation, which has spent two decades working with faith communities around the world. In particular, it builds on five years' working in Africa with faith groups on environmental issues
Faith groups told us that water, sanitation and hygiene were their biggest problems in their schools. Their need is what led to the establishment of Faith in Water as an independent organisation.
Our experience is that when people are empowered by knowledge, backed up by practical training and assistance, and engaged on the basis of their deepest beliefs, they can improve their lives and achieve lasting community impact. Here are just some examples of our work with faith schools. |
'Globally, children miss a combined 242 million days of school each year due to diarrhoea. Handwashing can help keep children |
Faith-based WASH training in IndonesiaIn September 2016, Faith in Water went to Indonesia to carry out some faith-based water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) training among Christian groups. This was the first time the Christian community had been engaged on the idea of practical action on water and cleanliness as an expression of their faith beliefs.
Hand washing and sanitationEbukoola Primary School is a large, mixed primary school of 890 pupils in Emuhaya district in Kenya's Western province. It serves a rural community whose poverty can be seen the bare feet of its pupils; around half cannot cannot afford shoes.
Harvesting water for drinkingGisire Academy had no water available in school; it all had to be brought in by pupils for personal use or bought by the school for cooking and washing. This had a direct impact on levels of hygiene and, as a result, rates of illness among pupils.
Wash points improve hygieneStar of the Sea is a Catholic primary school in Mombasa, Kenya, but almost half the pupils are Muslim. The school's population had grown rapidly, putting great pressure on the toilets and wash points, especially for Muslim pupils at prayer times.
Picture credits, clockwise from top: Smiling girl, Haiti, by Dan Lundmark; Girls washing hands, Mary Bellekom/Faith in Water;
Water harvesting, Kenya Organisation for Environmental Education (KOEE); Hand washing campaign, KOEE.
Water harvesting, Kenya Organisation for Environmental Education (KOEE); Hand washing campaign, KOEE.